1. [Culture] Nakano: Mikoshi Matsuri

    Nakano Nakano is a quaint town just outside the boundaries of Shinjuku, separated by the Kanda river. Staying here via Airbnb may in fact be the greatest choice I have made for this trip. (Actually, it wasn't entirely my choice; the place I was intending to stay at was booked)…

  2. [Photography] 日本 2015年9月15日

    今日の写真 「???」 今日のいろいろ写真の中で、この写真が一番おもしろかった!これは「歌うんだ村」と言うカラオケ店のマスカット。本当に恐しいだよ‼︎…

  3. [Photography] daily photo 2015.8.29

    Starflower We can appreciate all things, big and small, that bring beauty to the world.…

  4. [Photography] Easter 2015

    I took a few photos on Easter Sunday with my new Canon 5DIII. I'm still getting used to the camera, but it's a nice transition from the 1DII. Obviously, it takes better quality shots, but really, it depends on the person operating the camera to make the photos interesting. I'm…

  5. [Photography] First Post

    This is a test post. Maybe I will remove it later. Maybe not? It feels great to finally have the blog up and running. While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and throw up a photograph or two... I'll be using imgur for my image hosting for now. Hopefully there…